Staff and Leadership

Meet the staff at Springfield Oaks Church

Our Church Staff

Ken Morgan


Hal Jenkins

Associate Pastor

Amy Morgan

Children's Director

SOC Youth Pastor

Youth Director

Teresa Rush


    Niki Rowland

    Music Director

      Melissa Starling


        Linda Stansfield


        Springfield Oaks Church Leadership Teams

        Justin Arnsdorff, Chairman
        Kevin Owens, Vice Chairman
        Sue Nell Hinson, Secretary
        Teresa Rush, Membership
        Shae Zeigler, Financial Treasurer
        Phyllis Shearouse, Recording Treasurer
        Brenda Jenkins, SS Superintendent
        Billy Dasher, Men’s Ministry
        Denese Parker, Women’s Ministry
        Harry Shearouse, AC Delegate
        Bill Fillingim, AC Delegate
        David Wegmann, Lay Leader

        Ken Morgan, Senior Pastor
        Hal Jenkins, Associate Pastor
        Bryan Price, Youth Director
        Amy Morgan, Children’s Director
        Niki Rowland, Music Director
        Teresa Rush, Admin. Assistant

        Chairpersons of Committees
        Brenda Jenkins, Education Chair
        Patti Kessler, Missions Chair
        Joe Rotureau, Finance Chair
        Lee Kessler, Accountant
        Cindy Morgan, SPRC Chair
        Billy Dasher, Social Concerns Chair
        Kristy Mitchell, Evangelism Chair
        Vicki Rotureau, Communications Chair
        Liz Zipperer, Worship Chair
        Allen Kieffer, Trustee Chair
        Diane Wegmann, Hostess Chair
        Becky Tebeau, Events Chair
        Ashley Burns, Missions Support
        Denese Parker, Women’s Ministry
        Jeanie Thomas, Prayer Ministry

        Brenda Jenkins Chairman, SS Superintendent
        Sara Kieffer, Asst. SS Superintendent

        Sunday School Class Reps
        Bible Studies Class, 
        Christian Family Living, Donna Banister
        Families in Faith, Denese Parker
        Maturing Disciples, Harold Morgan
        Kingdom Seekers, Staci Ambrose
        Love and Hope, Billy Dasher
        Followers in Faith, Stuart Exley
        Legacy Builders, Aaron & Tiffany Parker
        Children, Amy Morgan
        Youth, Bryan Price
        Young Couples, Heather Shearouse
        College/Career, Michelle Taylor

        Communion Stewards
        Liz Zipperer, Chairman
        Susie Harrison
        Brenda Jenkins
        Macky Harrison
        Donna Boyles
        Jan Davis
        Pam Anderegg
        Becky Tebeau
        Stan Epperson
        Marla Epperson
        Mary Lee Webb

        Staff – Parish Relations Committee
        Cindy Morgan, Chairman
        Carrie Ann Thompson
        Bill Strickland
        Kevin Owens
        Jody Burns
        Kelly Rahn
        Jake Arnsdorff
        Robert Nelson
        Lori Newkirk
        David Wegmann
        Ken Morgan

        Finance Committee
        Joe Rotureau, Chairman
        Justin Arnsdorff
        Johnny Mitchell
        Lee Kessler
        Shea Zeigler
        Phyllis Shearouse
        Cindy Morgan
        Ken Morgan
        David Wegmann

        Vicki Rotureau, Chairman
        Jeanne Newton
        Victor Youngblood
        McKenzie Rahn

        Safe Sanctuary Committee
        Ben Williams, Chairman
        Ken Morgan
        Amy Morgan
        Bryan Price
        Justin Arnsdorff
        Cindy Morgan
        David Wegmann
        Brenda Jenkins

        Worship Committee
        Liz Zipperer, Chairman
        Rhonda Edwards
        Ken Morgan
        Randy Waldhour
        Niki Rowland
        Brian Reed
        Shelba Kieffer

        Hostess Committee
        Diane Wegmann, Chairman
        Jeanne Newton
        David Wegmann
        Harriet Ambrose
        David Ambrose
        Nevy Jackson
        Mary Tallent

        Family Fellowship Committee
        Becky Tebeau, Chairman
        Don King
        Sheldon Tebeau
        Donna Banister
        Donna Boyles
        Ivy Nettles
        Tina Sullivan
        Kristy Mitchell

        Social Concerns
        Billy Dasher, Chairman
        Jody Burns
        Tony Morgan

        Effingham Campground Trustees
        Jason Rahn, Chairman
        Francis Palmer
        Steve Shearouse
        Rhonda Edwards
        Ivy Nettles

        Missions Committee
        Patti Kessler, Co-Chair
        McKenzie Rahn, Co-Chair
        Stuart Exley
        Jeanie Thomas
        Brenda Bruner
        Mark Anderegg
        Linda Mock
        Elizabeth Morgan
        Melanie Freeman

        George Brogdon Scholarship Committee
        Cindy Morgan, Chairman
        Laura Harrelson
        Jincy Hinely
        Pam Anderegg
        Kimberly Rahn
        Heather Strickland

        Missions Support Fund Committee
        Ashley Burns, Chairman
        Pratt Summers
        Hope Shearouse
        Joshua Strickland
        Shae Zeigler
        Gary Johnson
        Tressa Chapin
        Phyllis Shearouse

        Administrative Council – At Large
        Betty Waller
        Trey Strickland
        Gus Thompson
        Steve Shearouse
        Deetie Rahn
        Bill Floyd
        Ben Newkirk
        Eli Fowler

        Trustees Committee
        Allen Kieffer, Chairman
        Kelton Calhoun
        Laura Harrelson
        Seth Zeigler
        Renee Shepard
        Ash Shephard
        Brian Burns
        Sheldon Tebeau
        Caleb Crawford

        Parsonage Sub – Committee of Trustees
        Carleen Fillingim
        Melissa Arden
        Joyce Poston
        Malorie Johnson
        Pastor’s Spouse

        Evangelism Committee
        Kristy Mitchell, Chairman
        Sue Nell Hinson
        Donna Banister
        Mike Walea
        Michele Patterson
        Marlene Youngblood
        Lu Perkins
        Susie Harrison
        Holly Floyd

        Committee on Lay Leadership
        David Wegmann, Lay Leader
        Katy Morgan
        Peggy Varnell
        Jeffery Ambrose
        Melanie Freeman
        Michelle Taylor
        Kim Arnsdorff
        Hope Shearouse
        Donna Boyles
        Donald Nelson
        Ken Morgan

        Want to know more?

        We welcome you to reach out and connect with us. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, prayer requests, or if you would like to know more about our community.