

springfield oaks church


With a commitment to God's Word and a love for the next generation, we strive to invest in the lives of 6th - 12th graders.  We believe this is one of the most crucial stages of their lives.  Grounding them in God's Word is fundamental and the reason we do all that we do. 

Please join us for youth on Sunday nights from 5-7pm

Games from 5-530

A light meal at 530

Worship begins at 6pm

Bible Study is Wednesday Nights from 7pm -8pm.

*We always need the partnership of parents to make this ministry happen.

Call the church office to sign up to provide snack supper. 

*Each school year (currently 2023-2024) we require parents fill out These

youth permission forms.  If your child is new to youth they will need to bring the filled out forms with them.